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Merci !

Thank you for your participation in the 8th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts – ICEC 2024. 

We trust you found it to be a culturally and scientifically rewarding experience that provided numerous opportunities for both promoting research activities and learning about the latest developments about estuaries and costs science. The organizing committee is deeply appreciative of members of the ICEC community who attended (187 participants from 11 countries in all) and contributed to making this conference an outstanding success. Your loyalty to the ideals and worth of the ICEC conference series is a key element that contributed to its final realization and success. We very much enjoyed our personal encounters with all of you and extend to you our heartfelt thanks for your participation in this event.

The committee is also indebted to our partners and expresses its gratitude to them for the generous financial support they provided which made this outstanding event possible.

Le comité organisateur


Conférenciers principaux

Professor, Tsinghua University Provost, Southern University of Science and Technology in China
Professor and Director of State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC) at the East China Normal University (ECNU)
Professor and Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware
Associate Professor, University of Florida
Professeur, University d'Ottawa