Dr. Ioan Nistor
Dr. Ioan NISTOR is a Professor of Hydraulic and Coastal Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Ottawa, Canada. Dr. Nistor researches hazards associated with extreme coastal hazards such as tsunamis and hurricanes, coastal protection, impacts of extreme events on coastal communities and infrastructure and the use of Nature-Based Systems for coastal protection. Dr. Nistor obtained his MEng. in Hydrotechnical Engineering from the Technical University of Iasi, Romania, and his PhD in Coastal Engineering from Yokohama National University, Japan. Prior to joining the University of Ottawa, Dr. Nistor spent several years as a senior consulting engineer with AECOM-TECSULT Montreal. Dr. Nistor is a Voting Member of the ASCE7 Tsunami Committee and Member of the JSCE Tsunami Committee (Debris Group), as well as member of the Tsunami Working Group of the Federation internationale de beton (FIB).
Dr. Nistor is an elected Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), Fellow of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) and Fellow of the Engineers Institute of Canada (EIC). To date, Dr. Nistor published 185 journal papers and 220 conference papers, as well as numerous technical reports, magazine articles, as well as several teaching manuals.
Lecture's title: "Impact of extreme hydrodynamic and debris loading on infrastructure – lessons from forensic engineering field surveys"